









































































Topic 2 - Intro to the Web

What is the Web?

  • The World Wide Web (WWW) is most often called the Web.
  • Web is a collection of hypertext documents (or web pages) that contain text, graphics, sound, animation, video and links.
  • Developing web content involves shaping and negotiating meaning and making many choices involving technical, aesthetic, and usability concerns.
  • Developing information requires keen skills in planning, analysis, and design in addition to web-oriented skills in representing information in a particular medium.


Web Browser

  • Web browser is a software / program to cruise the World Wide Web.
  • Popular browsers are Internet Explorer® and Netscape Navigator®.
  • Web Browser can be graphical or text-based.
  • Graphical Browsers like Netscape and Internet Explorer can display pictures, play sounds and show animations.
  • Text-based Browser like Lynx® only display the text of the document and cannot show the pictures, play the sounds or show the videos.
  • A web browser fetches a Web page from a server by a request.
  • A request is a standard HTTP request containing a page address.
  • A page address looks like this: http://www.someone.com/page.htm
  • The web browser translate the HTML language and builds, or renders, the image on the screen for you.
  • Bear in mind that different web browsers may display a web page differently according to the features supported by the browser.
  • Some tags are not recognized by certain web browser. If a tag is not recognized, a web browser will ignore it.
  • For example, Netscape® can identify the tag <BLINK> and will display the elements inside a contained tag <BLINK>...</BLINK> blinking. Internet Explorer® does not recognize tha tag, hence the elements within the contained tags will not blink.


Linking Basics

  • A link is simply a unidirectional pointer from the source document that contains the link to some destination.
  • In hypertext, the end points of a link typically are called anchor, <A>.
  • For linking purposes, the <A> element requires one attribute: HREF. the HREF attribute is set to the URL of the target resource, which is basically the address of the document to link to, such as http://www.yahoo.com
  • <A HREF="page1.html">Page 1</A>
  • There are 3 types of links:
    • Intrapage links - Link within a single document or page. This link will allow user to select the section the wish to view, click on them, and immediately see their selections without having to page down through the document.
    • Intrasystem links - The link points to a separate document in the same web site.
    • Intersystem links - The link points to a document in another web site.



  • URL stands for Uniform Resources Locator.
  • It describes the location, or Internet address of the specific resources.
  • A URL can point to a different web page, to another location in the current page, or to a component of a page like an image.
  • General form of URL:

Protocol://domain name/directory/filename

e.g. http://www.miim.edu.my/image/image1.jpg

  • Protocol of URL tells the browser what kind of resource it is accessing.
  • Domain name specifies the physical location of the file or information resource.
  • A domain is the computer that runs the server software to handle the protocol specified in the first part of the URL.
  • IP stands for Internet Protocol - define the Internet address of the particular machine pointed to by the URL. Eg.
  • DNS (Dmain Name Server) - translates the domain name into an IP address.


file:///C|foobar.htm A file you want the browser to read. Usually the file is on the same computer as the document that points to it. Notice it has three slashes, not two, and the drive letter "C" is followed by a vertical bar, not a colon.
ftp://ftp.fancyfoo.stuff/foobar.txt A resource you want to bring back to the current computer. Usually this is used if you want your users to be able to download or copy a file to their computers.
gopher://deep.gopher.hole/ This URL transfers control to a gopher site and opens that gopher space, or gopher hole.
http://unreal.place.com/ You will most often see links that point to other web pages. The link is specified as a Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http) link so the browser knows it is looking for another web page.
mailto:someone@somewhere.net This URL will start a mail program if the browser supports mailto URLs. This is often used to request feedback about a web page. Notice that there are no slashes.
If the browser supports Usenet news URLs, the first example will open the news reader and begin reading that newsgroup. The second example will just open the article specified frm the newsgroup. Each article is given a specific number to identify it. Notice that there are no slashes.
The first example will login remotely at the computer specified, using the username and password supplied. This is very dangerous, because your username and password are visible in the HTML code. In the second example, the browser should prompt or a username and password before making the connection. It is a safer alternative. Always remember to tell your users what username and password to use if you don't supply one.


Internet Address

  • Every web site has its own name (unique) so the public can access it.
  • You can get a name for your website by registering to the Internet Solutions.
  • In Malaysia, you can register your web site to MyNIC handled by Mimos Berhad.
Name ends with
Commercial or personal web site.
Network web site.
Educational institution web site.
Organisation web site.
A military web site.
Government web site.
Country, eg. .my ---> Malaysia country.
  • Our college internet address are:



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